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Office wellness app integrates health tracking with real-world rewards

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Strove stands at the forefront of wellness technology, aimed at revolutionizing the office environment by encouraging a culture of health and well-being. This platform is available at no extra charge for people associated with organizations that subscribe to its services. It offers an integrated approach to both mental and physical health, combined with real-world incentives for users.

Users can monitor a range of activities including distance traveled on foot, exercise duration, and calories consumed. Strove integrates smoothly with leading fitness apps like Google Fit, Strava, Fitbit, Garmin, Polar, Suunto, and Wahoo, ensuring detailed tracking of health metrics.

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The platform enhances engagement by featuring competitive elements such as individual and team leaderboards and virtual activity badges, termed 'Feats'. It also keeps track of and encourages consecutive days of exercise, promoting consistent engagement in wellness activities.

Beyond just physical activity metrics, the app expands its services to include educational content within an in-app learning hub. This component keeps individuals up-to-date and involved with the latest in wellness methodologies.

A standout aspect of the platform lies in its rewards system, allowing points accumulated from exercise to be exchanged for vouchers from a variety of respected reward partners. It also encompasses meditation and sleep narratives for mental well-being, along with custom challenges that assist in setting and reaching personal goals.

The ethos behind the creation of Strove is to nurture healthier individuals, resulting in more robust companies. Engagement with this service not only furthers personal health but also contributes to a more vigorous workforce and a stronger business climate overall.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by Strove App.

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 9 or higher required

Information about Strove 8.2.9

Package Name com.stroveapp.strove
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Fitness
Language English
71 more
Author Strove App
Downloads 0
Date Aug 26, 2024
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
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Older versions

apk 6.34.1 Android + 9 Nov 24, 2023
apk 6.33.1 Android + 9 Nov 23, 2023
apk 6.10.1 Android + 5.0 Nov 23, 2023

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